The Pocket PC version of "WinPoker"

A subset of features from the desktop version


The software should work on all Pocket PC devices and older Windows CE 2.11 devices.

Download the install program below for all devices.  If the install does not work, please email me with the type of device you have.

Pocket WinPoker Install File - Click on the link to start the download


Email me at if you have any problems (this is free unsupported software so there are no guarantees)


If the install program above doesn't work, then I have the individual files in zip format below. 

You only need to do the following if the install program above does not work for your device

1) Download the ZIP file that works with your processor.  If you don't know your processor type then check your documentation or look online at your device manufacturers site.

2) Unzip the 4 files on your desktop.

3) Copy the WINPOKPPC.EXE to any folder on your Pocket PC device.

4) If you want sound, the 3 .WAV files must be copied to the WINDOWS folder.

Download the version below based on your processor type:


StrongARM (X-Scale) Almost all newer Pocket PC devices use this processor